Monday, February 27, 2012


The Chakras

Chakra is a concept referring to a wheel-like vortex. The Chakras are said to be wheels of energy permeating from different points on the etheric and physical body. They are considered the focal points for the reception and transmission of energies. The seven major Chakras or energy centers can also be visualized or imagined as spinning orbs of light.

The following chart shows the relationship between Chakras, colors, gemstones, and elements.


  1. Root Color-Red Stone-Garnet Element-Earth
  2. Scaral Color-Orange Stone-Tigers Eye Element-Water
  3. Solar Plexus Color-Yellow Stone-Citrine Element-Fire
  4. Heart Color-Green Stone-Emerald Element-Air
  5. Throat Color-Blue Stone-Sodalite Element-Ether
  6. Third Eye Color-Indigo Stone-Lapis Element-Electrical
  7. Crown Color-violet Stone-Amethyst Element-Cosmic

Chakras are a great tool for focus and awareness.

Use the Chakras as symbols for energy focus. Chakras can be experienced in many ways. The spinning colors can be seen. Often when a note is played or sung, one can feel the Chakra respond. Whatever way you can see, feel, or sense a Chakra, use it to increase your energy and awareness.

Chakra Activation Guided Meditation: Listen to Chakra Activation Meditation. It is a guided meditation. Sit or lie down and focus on relaxing your breathing while listening to this meditation. Experience the awareness of each Chakra as you are guided through the meditation. Audio only version.

1 comment:

Donna Rocks said...

I love this. I found that one really does not have to visualize or 'see' the chakras to experience them. I actually can 'feel' them in several ways... actual spinning movement sometimes and sometimes a sort of vibration within the area.

Keep up the good work.