Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Now Reiki - Chapter One

Now Reiki - Meditations from the book: Now Reiki - Universal Energy and the Stillness of Now Now Reiki is an energy healing modality that uses Universal Energy and the Stillness of Now. This book will help you become a confident Now Reiki Master. You will learn new skills, gather knowledge, and be able to practice on yourself, your friends, family, and clients. Use the Now Reiki meditations and music as part of your complete learning experience. Now Reiki combines the wisdom of Eckhart Tolle as written in the Power of Now and the Universal Energy of Usui Reiki. Wisdom is found in the stillness of presence. Peace is here and now. Observe the thinker. Feel the breath fill the body. Enjoy the silent energy in the stillness that animates all existence. Awake. Be Open and Ready. Five Music Meditations including: Chakra Activation Guided Meditation Transformation Music Meditation New Beginning Music Meditation Attunement Music Meditation Grounding Music Meditation Check out the meditation Videos at: Purchase the Music Meditations with the book in PDF format at: The book is available in paperback and for the Kindle on

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