Sunday, July 01, 2012

Now Reiki Audio Course - Complete with Book

This is an Audio book of the entire Now Reiki Manual complete with Guided Meditations and Meditation Music. Previously only available on a 2-CD set. Now available as download exclusively on Bandcamp.

Also included is the complete book in PDF format.

Now Reiki is a new modality that combines Universal Energy and the Stillness of Now.

Included are the following Five Music Meditations:
Chakra Activation Guided Meditation
Transformation Music Meditation
New Beginning Music Meditation
Attunement Music Meditation
Grounding Music Meditation

Now Reiki is a complete yet simple modality that can be easily learned and experienced by listening to (or reading) the book, and experiencing the music meditations.


released 01 June 2012
Written by William Welton
Read by Donna Diasio
Meditation Music by Wizardnow

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