Saturday, January 15, 2011

Now Reiki Manual and Meditations

Now Reiki Manual

Universal Energy and the Stillness of Now


Five Music Meditations including:

Chakra Activation Guided Meditation

Transformation Music Meditation

New Beginning Music Meditation

Attunement Music Meditation

Grounding Music Meditation

Includes Now Reiki Master Certificate

1 comment:

Donna Rocks said...

Now Reiki actually is the most clear, concise healing method I have ever found. Open, honest without any kind of hocus-pocus..."you-need-to-do-it-one-way-only" ... without any special guru you need to pay for hours and hours of instruction...without the ego behind the thought that some people ... and only those that pay lots of money ... have the 'power' to heal others. Over the many years that I have facilitated people in their own healing, I have learned that all it takes is intention and being in the moment....And this book has said it the best.